Useful / Essential commands in terminal /unix/Ubuntu Part 1

I am only listing some of the commands.. the rest of the commands will be on the next part..
The important Commands you need to know are :-

pwd :- Print Working Directory
ls :- List Files.It list all the files in the current directory
ls -l :- It also list files, but with more details such as permission, group etc 
cat  :- A line editor, Type the file name in the position
cd :-change directory For Eg :- cd home
mkdir :- Make directory ,to create a directory
rmdir  :- To Remove a directory 
cd .. :- TO go one step backward in path

Tip :- To hide a file inn Linux/Ubuntu we can use "." as prefix   to hide a file.To show it in nautilus we can use  Ctrl +h to show hidden files and ls -a  in terminal


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