Fire Fox Tips:- Edit The Fire Fox the Way u wanted

There are a few special URLs, which begin with "about:" that you can type into the URL bar of Firefox.

* about: — The same page as "Help -> About". * about:about — Lists all these about: URLs (Mozilla Suite only). * about:blank — A blank page. Useful for setting as your homepage.

* about:buildconfig — Reveals details about your Mozilla build options.
* about:cache — Displays cache statistics. * about:cache?device=memory — Lists memory cache entries. * about:cache?device=disk — Lists disk cache entries. * about:cache-entry — Shows information about a cache entry. Used in about:cache links. Requires parameters. * about:config — GUI for modifying user preferences (prefs.js). * about:credits — The list of contributors to the Mozilla projects. * about:logo — Displays the Mozilla logo (Mozilla Suite only). * about:license — shows the Mozilla Public License and the Netscape Public License for the piece of software. ( Only in products based on Gecko 1.8 ). * about:mozilla — The famous Book of Mozilla. * about:plugins — Lists all your plugins as well as other useful information. * about:robots Just Information about robots .. a firefox 3 Easter egg * about:crashes - Shows Firefox crash reports that you've submitted


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