Installing CGI BIN in Apache - Ubuntu -Common Gateway Interface

Let me introduce you to CG I   at First ..

The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard method for web server software to delegate the generation of web content to executable files. Such files are known as CGI scripts; they are programs, often stand-alone applications, usually written in a scripting language.  ---- by WikiPedia
There are mainly 3 modules 
III userdir
Now type the following command in the terminal\

$ sudo a2enmod module
#NB: You should execute the command 3 times with each module names on "module"  o the command above
Now Restart the Apache: 
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2  restart

3:-  Make  public_html inside your home folder and place cbi-bin in it

$ cd ~

                                    $ mkdir public_html
                                    $ mkdir public_html/cgi-bin

4:- Now Edit Config...

$ cd /etc/apache2

5. Open Default file .

$ sudo gedit  sites-available/default

Replace the line ScriptAlias with" ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/User_name/public_html/cgi-bin/" 

Now edit tag  
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +symLinksIfOwerMatch
SetHandler cgi-script
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Add above content in the from line starting   Options +ExecCGI

" SetHandler cgi-script "

Lets restart the Apache
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2  restart

Done Isomaniacoding.....


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