
Showing posts from December, 2015

Startx Gives error in Raspberry Pi - Authority issues

Here is one of the solution for the problem. This error can be because of the permission issues of the Authority file.So here we need to give permission for the files.So the steps are- Login with your Username and Password in terminal Type : sudo chmod 777 /home/pi This will provide enough permission for the authority file to run. Hope this helps.

Configuring Edimax Wifi Dongle in Raspberry Pi 2

I am going to be very quick here- Open the terminal  Type : sudo su Type in the root password(or your password) Type :  nano /etc/network/interfaces This will open the nano interfaces.Here you need to configure you Wifi Settings as shown below- PS - Please tyoe in your SSID and password for your WiFi connection. Once you have made your changes use Ctrl+X and "Y" to save the file. Use this command to restart the service- sudo service networking reload Final step is to Restart the system

Sample program to print hello world in servlets - Example

A  Java servlet  is a  Java  program that extends the capabilities of a server. Although  servlets can respond to any types of requests, they most commonly implement applications hosted on Web servers. - Wiki Just a small introduction from my side- A Servelt contains following modules- init() - For initialisation service() - For performing the services destroy() - servlets are destroyed using this fucntion Sample program- (I am using netbeans here for the example) Open netbeans and add a new project as shown below- Now we need to create a servlet, so Right click on the project>New > Servlets and click on finish. Now your servlet is ready to run. Right click on your servlet file and click on run It will open up the default browser and you can see the sample program running there. By default the netbeans will provide some sample text to print in the server page.

Communicating with an another PC in ubuntu/Linux

We can use the below command in the terminal for accessing the other terminal Format - ssh -v -X [username]@[ip Address of the destination system] PS:Please ignore the brackets Example - ssh -v -X spec@

How to get the current time in AnglarJS and convert it in to milliseconds

Here is how you can get the current system time and convert it in to milliseconds in the AngularJS- var t = new Date(); var time = new Date( t ). getTime (); $scope. time = time ;